Uses of Tempered Glass Protectors on Military Devices
The military is well known to do much of its work outdoors under the extreme harsh conditions. The soldiers use their electronic computers in the bright sunlight, something that is not easy. They use very dusty, unpaved roads that are sometimes full of pot holes and rocks. As for the navy, their navigating equipment should be clear even when exposed to harsh weather conditions such as the rain, bright sunlight or even salt water splashes. Many lives depend on the clear visibility of the military equipment and that is why this equipment needs protection from these harsh environments by using a glass screen protector. Tempered glass screens can be used on the following military devices;
Battlefield Monitors– tempered glass screen protectors are used by the military to shield battlefield screens from glare and reflections. The tempered glass used has Anti-reflective films that provide a clear view of the screen’s image in very bright sunlight. The glass screen also protects the monitor from mechanical injury because it is very hard for the monitor to get scratches or even chemical damages. The glass screen protector makes it possible for the user to wear polarized sunglasses while using the monitor and he/she can still see the screen clearly. This allows the soldiers to protect their eyes from the sun while still using the computer.
Military Field Laptops– the tempered glass screen protector is used to protect the screen from damage by repetitive scratching, touching and tapping. The screens are abrasion and chemical resistant and therefore the army does not have to worry about finger smudges created by their sweaty, dirty hands. The smudges can just be easily wiped off by wiping with a cloth.
The burning sunlight in the bright daylight would make it quite difficult for the soldiers to take readings from the monitors if they did not use this technology. This glass filters about 99% of the UVB light.
Other devices include the GPS, digital cameras, canned food and microwave ovens. The glass has great military value and has become widely adopted in the entire world.
Navy Ships– the navy also is a huge beneficiary of this type of glass, but not as a glass screen protector on a device. The navigation equipment on the ship all has tempered glass to protect them from the rain water. The sea can sometimes be very harsh especially when there is a storm. The screens are protected and therefore the rain water cannot damage them. The ships sail in salty water which can corrode the devices if it came into contact with them. Sometimes there are splashes in the sea that reach the devices but with the protective screens, the devices are not damaged.
Tempered glass is designed to endure the harsh environments such as extreme temperatures, strong vibrations and dusty or wet conditions. It is designed for the type of roughness the military goes through on a day to day basis and this is why tempered glass is suitable for the military.